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Rights and Responsibilities

Statement of Rights and Responsibilities

View the Statement of Rights and Responsibilities below or download a PDF version .

The College and FSU value the following principles of trust, confidentiality, respect, fairness, equality, dignity, diversity, security and safety in order to offer the highest quality education, learning experience and student life in this academic community.

These principles encompass all student activities under the banner of Fanshawe College and/or FSU, on and off College campuses. All participants entering into this moral and social contract will commit to the following principles:

Students have the right to:

  • A safe, secure and accessible College environment, suitable and reasonable for learning, study and wellness
  • A positive environment conducive to learning characterized by equality and mutual respect that remains free from personal bias, and unlawful harassment and discrimination
  • Timely, objective, fair and reasonable academic evaluation methods that are reflective of academic, occupational and industry standards and competencies
  • Timely notification of all academic and administrative decisions that affect their College community life (in writing and including supporting rationale where required by College policy)
  • Timely and appropriate services and supports to foster a positive and meaningful educational experience
  • Seek clarification of, or recourse on, all decisions under College policies that affect them without fear of reprisal
  • The protection of privacy and confidentiality of personal information, subject to limits in accordance with the law

Students have the responsibilities to:

  • Abide by all applicable federal, provincial and municipal law
  • Treat members of the College community with respect
  • Follow all reasonable direction provided by the College and/or FSU
  • Be engaged in the pursuit of learning within an ordered academic environment
  • Adhere to the Student Code of Conduct and other relevant College/FSU practices, policies and procedures
  • Be honest and truthful and not make any false, misleading or inflammatory statements or allegations
  • Report any wrong doing or unlawful activities to the College and/or FSU officials
  • Ensure all College and/or FSU visitor(s) are informed of the expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct
  • Adhere to the “fair information principles” and abide by College policies respecting the privacy of others and the confidentiality of personal information

College and FSU have the responsibilities to:

  • Abide by all applicable federal, provincial and municipal law
  • Act in the best interest of students following the principles of 1) act in good faith, 2) be reasonable, 3) adhere to set standards and 4) place appropriate weight on information gathered against set criteria
  • Provide an environment conducive to learning that is safe, secure and accessible; suitable and reasonable for learning, study and wellness
  • Provide students timely and relevant advice and guidance
  • Publish accessible and relevant information (e.g. program and course content and academic progression criteria)
  • Ensure no changes to practices, policies or procedures will apply retroactively to the detriment of the student
  • Adhere to the “fair information principles” and collect, use and disclose personal information in accordance with the law, including the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and the Personal Health Information Protection Act
  • Protect the security of students while maintaining the physical facilities to government, educational and appropriate industry standards
  • Promote dispute resolution through the assistance of the Office of the Ombuds

The College and the FSU will meet annually to review and, if both parties agree, to renew the Statement. In signing this document, the Presidents are committing the College and the FSU to the principles set forth.

Signed by Fanshawe College President Peter Devlin and Fanshawe Student Union President Siddharth Singh on June 7, 2024.

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