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Upcoming FSU Events

Displaying events associated with the tag Clubs.
The FSU and The Sharing Shop logos are displayed. There are illustrations of an apple and a muffin. Text states: The Sharing Shop Breakfast Program. Downtown Campus. Main lobby.

The Sharing Shop Breakfast Program

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The Fanshawe Student Wellness Centre and FSU logos are shown, as is a poster of The Princess and The Frog movie. Test states: You're almost there. A watch and learn event: burnout. Alumni Lounge.

Watch and Learn: Burnout

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An illustration of two donuts with faces, legs and arms. Text states: Donut Cheat! Academic Integrity. Free donuts! Forwell Hall.

Donut Cheat! Academic Integrity

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Photo of a psychic with illustrations of psychic-related imagery. The FSU logo is shown. Text states: Psychic Fair. Free psychic readings, henna and bracelet making. Downtown Campus.

Psychic Fair

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Illustrations of frozen treats. The FSU logo is shown. Text states: Ice Cream Social. Frozen Treats. Live Music. South Campus Parking Lot.

Ice Cream Social

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Illustrations of various foods, food preparation items and utensils. Text states: Collective Kitchen. A great way for students to come together, learn new skills and make take-home meals.

Collective Kitchen

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The FSU and The Sharing Shop logos are displayed. There are illustrations of an apple and a muffin. Text states: The Sharing Shop Breakfast Program. South Campus. Main lobby.

The Sharing Shop Breakfast Program

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An illustration of two donuts with faces, legs and arms. Text states: Donut Cheat! Academic Integrity. Free donuts! South Campus, main lobby.

Donut Cheat! Academic Integrity

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Illustrations of a cereal box, a tube TV and milk. The FSU logo is shown. Text states: Cereal and Cartoons. Wear your PJ's. South Campus.

Cereal and Cartoons

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Illustrations of a cereal box, a tube TV and milk. The FSU logo is shown. Text states: Cereal and Cartoons. Wear your PJ's. Downtown Campus.

Cereal and Cartoons

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A red speech bubble with a white question mark inside.